

Copy the Color Code:

At the moment you’ve decided for a color-set, please copy each of the color code and paste it into the HUD system. Press the “InputRGB” button to open the blue dialogbox of SL and paste the code inside.

Now you can store this color into a custom color slot. Enjoy! 🙂


Golden Shower

255, 223, 0
212, 175, 55
207, 181, 59
230, 190, 138

Silver Surfer

192, 192, 192
169, 169, 169
128, 128, 128
105, 105, 105

Subdued & Professional

144, 175, 197
51, 107, 135
42, 49, 50
118, 54, 38

Dark & Earthy

70, 33, 26
105, 61, 61
186, 85, 54
164, 56, 32

Cool Blues

0, 59, 70
7, 87, 91
102, 165, 173
196, 223, 230

Refreshing & Pretty

152, 219, 198
91, 200, 172
230, 215, 42
241, 141, 158

Stylish & Retro

117, 177, 169
217, 180, 74
79, 100, 87
172, 208, 192

Sunset to Dusk

54, 50, 55
45, 66, 98
115, 96, 91
208, 150, 131

Neutral & Versatile

98, 109, 113
205, 205, 192
221, 188, 149
179, 136, 103

Garden Fresh

238, 105, 63
246, 148, 84
252, 253, 254
115, 159, 61

Lemonade Stand

247, 0, 37
247, 239, 226
242, 92, 0
249, 166, 3


133, 147, 174
90, 78, 77
126, 103, 94
221, 162, 136

Mediterranean Afternoon

226, 196, 153
232, 167, 53
200, 0, 10
140, 0, 4

Fresh Greens

38, 92, 0
104, 162, 37
179, 222, 129
253, 255, 255